Wednesday 10 April 2013

Waiting for the proof.....

So I've sent in the files to create the print version of The Keepers.

I am crazy crazy excited about it!! REALLY EXCITED!

At the moment I'm waiting on what they call the proof copy. Basically I pay for the printers to send me one copy of my novel and then check it when it arrives. If everything is correct and I am happy with it then I can approve it to be sold via Amazon. According to what I understand once I approve the book It's almost instantly available for people to purchase. If that really is the case the book should be available to buy at the end of this month!
I have to say, just the thought of holding a story I created in my hands is a feeling I find hard to comprehend. All of that hard work and physical proof to show it. They say our generation expects instant gratification for things. I think that's true on some levels, but I also think that the reward is even greater for those who wait and are patient.

Anyway, after this big gush, all I really want to say is The Keepers is coming in print! When it does.................... I will be over the moon!!!!!!!

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